Fellowship Program

Mentor for the Program
Dr P K Santhakumari M.D (Ay), Chief Physician, Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospitals

Fee Details
The total fee would be Rs 75000/- (Rupees Seventy five thousand only) for a period of six months including food and accommodation

The Duration of the Program would be six months.

During the tenure, accommodation would be provided by the Hospital. The candidate would be posted at different units of Matha Ayuveda Eye Hospitals

Food would be provided from the hospital, as per the regular menu followed at the organization.

1. 5.5 years B.A.M.S course from a CCIM approved Ayurveda College in India
2. Successful completion of a 3 years post graduate program in Shalakya
3. Minimum 1 year work experience in a Ayurvedic Hospital

Admission Process
1. The candidate needs to send in a detailed resume showing interest in Fellowship Programme. The mentor for the program evaluates the resume and if found suitable,
the details of the program would be sent to the candidate.
2. The candidate needs to write a “Statement of Purpose” (an essay in not more than 500 words) on why the candidate feels the need to do a fellowship program at
Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospitals. The candidate’s expectation about the program should be clearly stated.
3. The candidate needs to write an essay in not more than 500 words about the following : “An existing problem in Ayurvedic ophthalmology identified by you,
and your proposed solution for the same”
4. Send in both the essays within 5 days of receiving the details, and after evaluation by the program mentor, you would be invited to join for the program on a specific

Syllabus Details
1. Theoretical Update – Analysis of diseases on Ayurvedic Basis
2. Practical Experience on Treatment Procedures – Netra Kriya Kalpas
3. Case taking in ophthalmology in Ayurvedic Basis
4. Study on Chakshushya Dravyas
5. Handling ophthalmic cases and their management on Ayurvedic Basis
6. Chance to refer our collection of research thesis in Shalakya
7. Guidance to start an Ayurvedic Ophthalmic clinic
8. Training on Staff Management in Hospitals
9. Training on Stock and Medicine management in Hospitals
10. Guidance on paper presentation (part of final evaluation)

Minimum Attendance of 80% during the period is required to be eligible for final evaluation.

Duties during the Tenure
1. Hospital Duties of doctors
2. Various management aspects in ayurvedic ophthalmic hospitals.

Matha | Fellowship Program

If you have any queries please reach us at [email protected] / 9847195533)

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