Advantages of Choosing Nabh Accredited
Ayurvedic Eye Hospital Instead of General Eye Clinic

Vision is a gift of god, and eyes are the medium that make it possible. It is extremely necessary to take care of the eyes, because when you get older and start using a walking stick, your eyes will be the first ones to give out. An eye doctor alone cannot completely care for your eye – he needs his tools and equipment. Just any equipment won’t do – it is necessary to use the best in class and updated equipment, so that elusive problems can be detected early on.

NABH, or National Accreditation Board of Hospitals, is an agency that audits the laboratories of hospitals and issues its accreditation if everything is found aligned with benchmark standards of quality and performance. If the ayurvedic eye hospital you choose is accredited by this agency, it means the practices and equipment they use in their labs are good practices. Here are the advantages of choosing NABH accredited ayurvedic eye hospital instead of general eye clinics.

Advantage #1: Safety
There have been cases when patients have been injured due to faulty equipment or negligence of staff at private eye clinics. At NABH accredited Ayurveda hospitals, this will not happen as the highest standards of safety are practiced.

Advantage #2: Care
At private eye clinics, most of the time, the objective is to make as much money possible. In an attempt to treat more patients, carelessness creeps into procedures, which may result in improper diagnosis. At a NABH accredited hospital, this will not happen as procedural care and detail is everything.

Advantage #3: Professionalism
At private eye clinics, doctors usually employ semi-eligible attendants who cannot perform most of the procedures, or perform them with very little care and detail. At a NABH accredited hospital, only eligible and qualified medics and attendants are allowed to work – meaning you get professional attention. In addition, at a NABH accredited lab or hospital, your satisfaction feedback will be periodically evaluated to make improvements in treatment. Your rights will be protected and upheld. If you wish to get eye check-ups done, let it be from a NABH accredited ayurvedic lab.

Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital

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